Creating Video FAQs for Law Firms

by | Oct 18, 2022 | Law Firms

Why Video FAQs?

Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) law videos are an extremely popular and effective way for law firms to convey expertise and provide information frequently asked by clients.

What are video FAQs?

A video FAQ is essentially a video version of a FAQ page. It is a page that answers the most common questions prospective clients have about your law firm. But the video aspect of the FAQs adds a more personal feel so that prospective clients have a chance to meet your staff and lawyers.

While video FAQs are more common for eCommerce businesses, they do work for law firms.

Video FAQs are a great way to present your company to potential clients, provide valuable content, and effectively answer frequently asked questions.

You can create a video FAQ for your website or a marketing campaign. It is an efficient way to provide information to potential clients while they’re browsing your website, on social media, or even on their phones. They are quick and simple to create, providing you with the ability to answer many common questions in one place.

FAQ videos save time.

First, FAQ videos save time because they shift the responsibility of answering questions from your staff to the website. FAQ videos put the control in the end-user’s hands.

Furthermore, every lawyer will deal with similar questions at the first meeting. FAQs videos will jump-start the process and leave time to answer more specific questions.

FAQ Videos improve your SEO.

An important feature is an impact they have on your SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Potential clients may be looking for specific answers that match your FAQ. They may not be looking for a specific firm so you come out at the top of any search results for that question.

You can answer all sorts of questions, from what your firm does to how much you charge. FAQs allow you to show off your knowledge, and they can be particularly helpful in the legal field. FAQs are best used for questions that you get frequently. If you try to answer questions that you don’t get often, it can be difficult to stay on topic and keep your content succinct.

Best practice for Lawyers

Beyond simply answering FAQs as a way of boosting your online presence, it is a great tool to build trust with your prospective clients. Creating FAQ videos and posting them on your site engages prospective clients, answers their questions, and builds trust.

It is important to target your marketing toward your local audience, and FAQs are a perfect way to do that. Make sure that your FAQs are specific to your legal area, and you will be able to build trust quickly with prospective clients who are interested in your services. FAQs are an excellent way to engage with your audience and provide them with the information they need.

Video FAQs associate a face with expertise.

Video FAQs identify a real live human with expertise in your practice area and let people know you’re a leader in the field.

It also allows potential clients to “meet” the lawyer. They add a personal touch to the process.

With FAQs, most people want a clear answer as fast as possible. And videos are often preferred. According to Video Marketing Statistics 2022, when asked how they’d most like to learn about a product or service, a huge majority (73%) said they’d prefer to watch a video over reading.

How to develop FAQs

First, prioritize your FAQs by understanding which questions are truly asked most often. Analyze the data, survey your lawyers, and talk to marketing and sales. They’ll have keen insight into the questions being asked.

FAQ Video Details

Most FAQ videos are anywhere from 30 to 90 seconds in length. And each video deals with a different question or point that is directly relevant to a potential client.

In general, if you can have the lawyer or legal professional talking to the camera, it will make the FAQ feel more personal.

Are FAQ Videos Scripted?

In general, no, because you want to give the impression of a level of informality without being too casual.  Also having a script usually means the lawyer would want to read it off a teleprompter. But unless you are a practiced presenter, it will look like you are reading a script. Nevertheless, having points on the teleprompter is okay to prompt you. The more it feels like a conversation, the better.

How Are FAQ Videos Filmed?

The video process is informal. We try to approach it similarly to what a client might experience in your office. We set up the camera where the client and you interact.

Where to be used

FAQ videos are particularly valuable further into the customer journey along a marketing funnel where potential clients are looking more closely at specific services, to determine which is the best choice for them.

These types make it easy for prospects to understand the specifics of your services and company values.

By providing them with easily digestible pieces of video content that answer very specific and often important questions, you can provide them with the information they need to feel confident in your services.

FAQ videos can also be used at the top of the marketing funnel to attract an audience by answering broader questions asked by the people or industries you serve. These questions often receive a high volume of organic searches and can be a good source of traffic from search engines like Google and YouTube.

Another interesting, under-used point of contact is your first email confirming a booking with a lawyer. If that specific lawyer responds with a short introductory video, it becomes a very personal welcome and might provide a reminder of the type of documents that they should bring to the first meeting.


Video FAQs are a great way to give people the answers they’re seeking instead of having them search through your website or call a support team. They are short, quick videos that give potential clients the answers they need in an easy-to-digest format.

Creating video content can be difficult for some businesses, but there are plenty of online tools and resources to help you create simple and effective Video FAQs. With so many businesses creating Video FAQs, it’s important to stand out from the crowd.

How to create Video FAQ

Do you want:

  • New Clients
  • Enhance Your Brand
  • Rank Higher on Google

Video will play a significant role, but it’s more than just good videography.

Video needs a strategic plan based on your law firm’s need to communicate expertise, enhance its branding, and video search engine optimization.


Talk with us, and we can provide you with a plan.

Contact us 🙂

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